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Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Fortunately for me, airport security isn’t as strict as I thought it was.

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but as Randy and I were getting ready to go through the security check at the airport last weekend, I pulled out my wallet to grab my license only to realize that I didn’t have it. You see, the day before, Randy and I changed into shorts to go play tennis. Instead of carrying my entire wallet, I opted to bring my license only (for ID).

Well, I forgot to take the license out of the shorts and the next thing you know, I’m standing before a TSA agent with no valid ID.  I suddenly became the person that I hate at the airport (since I’m always one step ahead of the game with my shoe laces untied, my ID and boarding pass out, and my liquids in a ziplock bag pulled out and ready to scan).

Anyway, the agents were friendly and after looking at the remaining contents of my wallet (two ATM cards, a credit card, my insurance card, and…fortunately…my Harvard photo ID), the agent placed a call to who-knows-where and validated my identity. Somehow, somewhere, there is an agency that knows I live with Randy because one of their questions was “what’s the name of the other man you live with?”

Eventually, they let me through, but only after I had to get frisked/patted down and my bag had to have a special screening (swiped with that cloth to detect bombs, I suppose).

So I made it out of Boston OK. When our plane landed in LaGuardia (where we were to switch planes) we had change terminals and go through security once again. As expected of a New Yorker, the TSA agent was far from friendly. When I explained what happened in Boston, all he said was “Yeah, well we’re not in Boston now.”

Oh dear.

But then he looked at my Harvard ID and credit cards, called over a co-worker, then waved me through. I didn’t even have to deal with the extra security screening (pat-down, bag search).

The return trip from Nashville was fairly easy, too. They looked at my ID’s and waved me through (but did the pat-down and bag search).

I suppose my identity is less important than what I’m carrying in my carry-on luggage. Still, I would have thought LaGuardia and Nashville would have at least called looked me up in a computer or something to confirm I’m not fugitive.

Oh well.


  1. Comment by Melody on September 24, 2008 10:58 am

    Karl, I just don’t know where to start seeing you in that outfit. You got a laugh out of me here at work. LOL

  2. Comment by Lise on September 24, 2008 11:33 am

    That doesn’t even really look like you! Good thing you weren’t wearing that trying to get on the plane, for a variety of reasons….. I flew down & back to Savanah a couple of years ago with no ID but my Harvard one (and not even a SS card because I had lost it). Boston attendants were great, didn’t really search me at all. On the way back they did pull me aside & do search of everything but they were very nice. I have an innocent face I guess. Ooh, though that would make me an ideal drug mule…

  3. Comment by Jeffrey on September 24, 2008 3:50 pm

    I leave my ID at home when I fly. I enjoy the pat downs.

  4. Comment by thleen on September 25, 2008 7:37 am

    nice picture. it’d make a great poster.

  5. Comment by Karyn on September 28, 2008 11:32 pm

    The good people at Heathrow Airport TOTALLY think I’m a terrorist. Totally. I wonder what it is? Single caucasian woman flying alone? The copious tears? Do they think I am a reluctant suicide bomber? They’re REALLY going to enjoy the new hardware in my leg. I can’t wait.

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