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You Know You’re a True Bostonian When…

I’m not quite sure when it happened, but I think I am officially a snob. We recently moved back to Boston so my commute is now a reverse commute – meaning  I go next door to North Station and take the commuter rail one stop outbound (while all other commuters are heading inbound).

So for the past month and a half, the train car I sit in only has one other person in it…and it’s always the same guy. The first day I sat in the car I noticed that this fellow was somebody I met at a “Leadership Essentials” conference I attended two years ago. Like me, he works at Harvard. Like me, he is staff/administration. Like me he is “the gay” (he outed himself at the conference). In fact, the last day of the conference, he and I walked together back to our offices (and our buildings are within a few blocks of each other).

He used to always sits in the middle left side of the car and I would walk past him and sit in the front right side of the car. Lately, though, I found that he has moved closer to the front of the train car. Instead of taking this as a possible invitation for conversation or friendship, I have started sitting further back in the train. That’s such a Boston thing to do.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Anyway, tonight’s dinner embarrasses me – it looks like an appetizer (chicken nuggets with broccoli).  I was only cooking for one because Matt opted to eat at Wendy’s (the restaurant – not a friends place).



  1. Comment by matt on March 16, 2004 9:57 pm

    what’s that crap on top of the processed chicken nuggets? and you have always been a snob. it is why I love you.

  2. Comment by thomas on March 17, 2004 2:21 am

    my god, i am totally becoming obsessed with what you eat. and sauce on chicken nuggets, fascinating 😉

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