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Bowled Over

The holiday weekend sure went by fast. Randy flew to Virginia on bright and early on Wednesday morning. Actually, it was dark and early as he woke me at 4:20 to take him to the airport. A few hours later my parents arrived at my house (while I was at work). We played cards that night, then drove out to central/western Massachusetts on Thanksgiving to visit my brother and his family.

I think this might be the first time we have all been together (minus Randy…sigh) since, well, I can’t even recall. It must be at least 2 years. My brother, Paul, made a reservation at a place called the Log Cabin, located atop a small mountain (big hill?) near their house. It was actually pretty good. Everybody ate much more than they should, and we returned to Pauls’ house to talk a bit before my parents and I drove back to Arlington.

On Friday my parents and I did a bit of shopping, then visiting my uncle at the hospital (still recovering from his stroke, but doint amazingly better). Then plan was for them to leave on Friday (so I thought) but by the time we were through with everything it was dark so we played cards games.

They left on Saturday, about the same time my throat started feeling a bit raspy (Randy was sick before he left) I still was productive and cleaned up the house a bit, began wrapping Christmas gifts, brought the tree and ornament from the garage and went to the market.

I continued the holiday stuff on Sunday, putting up and lighting the tree and filling out Christmas cards.

I woke up Monday with an even sorer (more sore?) throat, but was happy knowing that Randy was returning. I left Randy’s car in Davis Square so that he could take the subway there to pick up the car and go home. I ended up staying at work a bit late, then meeting him in Davis Square.

We decided to eat while we were there and ended up at Flatread Pizza and Bowling Alley. One string of candlepin bowling and two pizzas later, we’ just had our first date in who knows how long. He beat me by about 6 point. But I’m ready for a re-match.

Most importantly, it was nice to have him back again.

Damn, this was a sentimental/mushy post: holidays, family, reunions with loved ones. The next time I post I promise I’ll be back to my pessimistic, complaining self. I’m sure by then my sore throat will morph into some sort of highly contagious strain of ebola or something.

But in the mean time, life is good.


  1. Comment by Golden on November 30, 2010 12:36 pm

    My sister and Cathy were married at the Log Cabin…in July on a beautiful evening just before sunset.

    is this place in Davis the old Bertucci’s with the bowling alley in the basement?

  2. Comment by snarl on November 30, 2010 2:05 pm

    We were at the Log Cabin for sunset, too…but it was a bit overcast so it wasn’t anything spectacular. The view is pretty, though.

    The place in Davis Square is the old Sacco’s Bowling Alley (on Day Street, I think). The one you’re thinking of is a different pizza place now. Not sure if they kept the bowling or not.

    See? If you visit me, we can go bowling.

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