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One Down, One to Go

I survived Randy’s high school reunion last weekend. I jokingly began to refer to the event as the prom instead of reunion because the main Saturday night event was more prom-like, with a dinner, dancing, and even a photographer to take portraits.

On Friday night we attended a cocktail social and, to be honest, it sucked. We arrived fashionably late to find only about 15 people in a large room. There was a DJ blasting rap and R&B music that was so loud you couldn’t talk to people…severely limiting any ability to reunite at this reunion. Oh, and it was hotter than hell.

Worse, Randy only recognized a handful of people (probably less than five).

We left the reunion (ears ringing, shirts saturated with sweat) and Randy even debated whether he wanted to go to the main event (the prom) the next night.

In fact, he was so reluctant to go that he made us even more fashionably late for this event. But that was a mistake because we arrived only to find everybody else already there, seated, and eating! We squeezed into a table just as the awards portion of the eventĀ  was taking place. Randy managed to win an award for being the person who traveled the second farthest (winning a $50 Visa gift card).

After dinner, he finally had the chance to socialize and was able to reunite with quite a few classmates.

All in all, it was fun. Though, Randy doesn’t seem at all interested in attending the next one. Out of a class of over 400 people only 95 people attended the reunion (since some were spouses that meant only about 60-70 classmates attended). And of those 95 people, Randy only knew about 10. The people he was closest to back then didn’t go.

But in 3+ weeks he’ll be attending my reunion, which (so far) has 122 people attending (60-something being classmates).

The rest of the weekend was quite relaxing. Unlike the Boston area, Virginia has had an abundance of sunshine (and heat) so we spent most of our time by the pool (the water was 88 degrees). His family, as always, was incredibly hospitable and sweet and made me feel right at home. Unfortunately, his 90+ grandmother is gravely ill and this will likely have been the last time he saw her alive. It was heartbreaking to see them say their goodbyes. I was even choking up as she was telling him that she loved him (and me!) and that she was sorry we had to see her this way.

Of course, this brought his mom to tears, then his aunt, andĀ so in the end it was a house full of sorrow. But it was “good” sorrow since it was all about love.

1 Comment(s)

  1. Comment by Melody on July 2, 2009 2:51 pm

    Hi Karl,

    Glad you had a nice time in VA though I’m sorry to hear about Randy’s grandmother. Can’t believe out of a class that big so few showed up.

    Have a Happy 4th!

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