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One of the many perks of working in academia is that you get loads of holidays.  Yesterday, Veteran’s Day, was one of them. While everybody else I knew was working, I got to get up late and enjoy the day.

Of course, I didn’t do much during ‘working’ hours to enjoy it. My plan was to go to the gym then head into Boston to walk around and scope out all of the buildings under construction (yeah, I’m a geek…I know).

What ended up happening was that I didn’t head off to the gym until close to noon so by the time I got back from the gym, it was nearly 2PM. And the sun had gone behind the clouds. And it was getting windy. And Randy needed me to start dinner (crock pot) by 4PM.

With only two hours until 4PM, I just caught up on shows on the DVR.

But things did get a bit more exciting when our friends, Jason and Bryan, came over for dinner and games. They taught us a German game called Bohnanaza (yes, there’s an H). It’s too complicated to explain, but it’s about trading beans and growing crops. I managed to win the first game…and would have won the second game had I understood the rules better and realized that trading beans in the last round wouldn’t be beneficial unless you  traded with the last person to play his turn. Consequently, I came in a VERY close second.

But it was fun and I look forward to playing again.

Oh, and the photo above was NOT tonight’s dinner. It was just the only photo I had that had a bean in it.


  1. Comment by mindy on November 12, 2008 11:20 am

    I have played that game! (It took me a while to figure out the rules, too, and then I was RUTHLESS!)

  2. Comment by JC on November 13, 2008 11:09 am

    I think you lost because you held onto that Cocoa Bean too long. If you had given it up in favor of a more abundant bean, you might have scored that extra couple of points to put you over the top.

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