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Oh Oh!

In less than 48 hours I’ll be flying to San Francisco (that’s not the oh-oh part). But it seems as if I’m fighting a little bug of some sort (that IS the oh-oh part). It all started Sunday night with a bit of an upset belly. That has lingered to this day, though it’s by […]

Big Brother is Watching You!

Wait, or is it the other way around? Yep, it’s one of the few things I actually enjoy about summer: Big Brother is back on CBS! This year is starting off to be pretty interesting. The “catch” this year is that three houseguests have their worst enemy (or, somebody from their past that they don’t […]

A Quick Escape

Our trip to Provincetown this weekend was a blast. It was mostly a spur-of-the-moment thing: we decided on Wednesday to go to Ptown that same weekend. The July 4th week is also one of the Cape’s busiest tourist weeks so I doubted we’d find an available room…but we did! For two nights at the Watership […]

Strippers and Hustlers and Art…Oh my!

I met up with Randy and his friends again last night. I arrived home from work and they were already in my apartment making themselves nice and cozy. After some chit-chat, we decided to explore the new ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art). Getting there from the North End is no easy task despite the fact […]

So Much for that Whole “Freedom of Speech” Thingie

What an interesting Independence Day story I have to share! But first off, the good stuff. The night before the 4th, Randy and I decided to go to Costco to get a pizza for dinner (we had to go to Target to return something and Costco was next door). We walked in there with the […]

The World is Going Mad

I’m really starting to feel like I can’t relate to this country anymore. Just yesterday, Prez. Bush commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby claiming imprisonment was too harsh a punishment. Isn’t this the same man who was Governor of Texas? A state that uses the death penalty? So 30 months in prison is too harsh. […]

If God Really Loved Me, He’d Give Me More Than A Granola Bar

It’s that time of year again. The Hope Fellowships Church is out distributing granola bars in the name of god. I got mine this morning (chocolate chip) from followers at the Porter Square subway station. Personally, I prefer the peanut butter chocolate chip granola bars from satan, but I guess I’ll take what i can […]