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Ripped from the Headlines

This country seems to becoming more and more of a joke. There were two articles in the Metro newspaper this morning that caught my attention:

1 – The City Manager (mayor) of Largo, Florida, has been in that position for 14 years. He must have been doing something right if he’s kept the job for that long, right? Well, last week he announced that he was going to procede with a sex change operation. Less than a week later the city council fired him because of that. Not because he stole money, not because he wasn’t representing his constituents, not because he was doing anything illegal. But solely because he was going to have a sex-change operation. In Massachusetts (and many other states) he’d be protected…in Florida, he can be fired. Makes me sick.

2 – There is apparently an existing law in North Dakota that forbids unmarried men and women from living together. I remember seeing something about this on the news a year or so ago when a woman was living with her boyfriend (and their children, mind you) and they were fighting to be able to live together (the whole town was against them). However, I think that case was in another state, and it was just a town that had such archaic laws. I was completely unaware that there was an entire state out there that forbids unmarried couples from living together. Ironically, this kind of helps the gay couples out there since it essentially encourages same-sex cohabitation – but I’m sure that wasn’t their goal. Anyway, if a man and woman live together unmarried in North Dakota, it’s considered a sex crime…punishable by law. Seriously!

Can you believe that? Fortunately, the state is seeking to change this.

And Romney thinks France is bad?

1 Comment(s)

  1. Comment by veselka slut on March 1, 2007 11:06 am

    With all these gays moving to FL you’d think they’d think twice about moving to such medieval place, weather be damned.

    The case of the unmarried couple with child you are thinking of was in Missouri, and while the podunk hick town was against them, I remember distinctly thinking of something lurking under the surface, like they’re actually dirty hippies or something. If I recall most Missourians were more than a little put-off by the ingrate townspeople.

    Public urination is a sex crime in Massachusetts and can be in Louisiana. Can you imagine registering for that!?

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