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My Extensive Subterranean Travels

Thanks to Thom, at Thoughts Made Bald, here’s list of subways/public transit systems I’ve used in my life. In order, they include:

Amsterdam, NYC (Path), Montreal, NYC (subway), Paris (commuter rail), Chicago, Washington DC, Toronto, San Francisco (subway), San Francisco (commuter rail), Philadelphia, Paris (subway), Boston. I keep thinking I’m missing a few. But maybe not. While in London, we never used public transit so I couldn’t include the Underground.

I ordered some CD’s from Amazon last week and they arrived yesterday. The first one was Goldfrapp’s original CD which I had previously…sort of. It was actually Matt’s and he took it with him in the break up. I’d been craving Lovely Head lately so I bought it.

The other CD I bought was the Monkee’s Greatest Hits. Don’t laugh! Stop it – I said don’t laugh!

I like music that brings me back to a place in time…and their songs make me think of childhood summers when the show would appear in re-runs. Besides, Valleri and She are a kick-ass songs.

I said stop laughing!

1 Comment(s)

  1. Comment by Dave in Chicago (2) on September 6, 2006 10:17 am

    I’ve been craving some Lovely Head as well, but when I contacted Amazon, they seemed woefully unprepared to help me in my request. Hmph.

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