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I Give Up

It’s official..I’m a walking, talking bacterial magnet.

So yesterday I blogged that my throat was starting to hurt again (after a full month of bounching from sore throat to common cold, to allergies, to sinus congestion head aches and back to sore throat again). Then I woke up this morning, entered the bathroom to brush my teeth and noticed that both of my arms were covered in red dots and bumps.

Concerned, I did my normal morning routine…except instead of heading to work, I walked to my doctor’s office to see if I could be squeezed in. They were able to fit me in at 10:30 so I walked back home, watched Regis and Kelly (though, Regis was noticeably absent), then returned to the doctor at 10:30.

I am now on Azithromycin….they took two strep throat tests (one immediate, and one that needs to “culture”). The doctor was surprised that the immediate test did not come back visibly positive because my throat looked nasty and clearly as though it had a bacterial infection (versus a viral infection). Plus, arm rashes are not an uncommon side effect of strep (I didn’t know this). I also had a slight fever (99.8). Ugh.

So, she still put me on the antibiotics…again.

Since I went to Paris last fall, I have been sick at least 1-2 weeks per month. I’m not sure what’s going on with me. I’m hoping that maybe my return to Paris in two weeks will set me back to normal again.

Actually, I’m going to blame Mike for this (it all seems to coincide with meeting him). He never catches any of these things I have….but I think he carries them (working at a school full of children each day). Perhaps he’s developed a stronger immune system as a result of a decade of exposure and my frail self simply isn’t accustomed to such nasties encroaching upon my space. Yes, I shall blame Mike…mostly because he’s not likely to read this so he’ll never know that he’s being accused.


  1. Comment by karyn on June 2, 2006 1:40 pm

    Well I don’t know if that’s entirely fair to Mike but it is true that once you meet & begin to hang with new people you expose yourself to germs they carry. Lots of times people catch illnesses when they start a new job / school / semester for that reason, I believe. Not much for it. Hang in there, feel better soon. (PS: I have never heard of the arm-rash connection to strep before. Bizarre!)

  2. Comment by Mark on June 2, 2006 2:40 pm

    Oh, pumpkin, I hope you feel better. I wonder if you actually have mono? That could explain the rash, the sore throat, etc….

  3. Comment by Dana on June 2, 2006 3:07 pm

    I’m having sort of the same problem and I agree that it is probably Mike. My little one goes to daycare only once a week, but seems to always catch something and it hangs around her for so long that I end up getting something shortly after. I talked with one of the mom’s that work there and she says it is normal for me to keep catching what she does until I build up my antibodies. She brings stuff home to her husband a lot who is a diabetic and doesn’t have good resistance. Resistance is futile.

  4. Comment by chrispy on June 2, 2006 4:25 pm

    mikes kids aside, and the germs they bring with them, is it also possible that youve caught something from the fun folks at all the bars youve been in recently? just kidding! i guess you can only catch so much from a beermug and a poolstick. or can you? – what could it be what could it be? — i had a major allergic reaction to azithromycin a few weeks back, dreadful. dont go out in the sun, im serious, youll blow up beet red and be covered with itchy pustules. not pretty. i-D

  5. Comment by Mark on June 4, 2006 1:20 pm

    I guess I know that it was definitely strep, since I got it too over the weekend. I’m heavily dosed on pencillin now. Now I know how you feel…

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