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A 30-Second Depiction of Everything Wrong With This Country

Have you seen the new KFC commercial? It’s the one where a mother arrives home with a gigantic red and white bucket of fried chicken. As she walks up the driveway, the husband drops what he’s doing and follows her into the house. Then she passes the children (one playing a video game, the other fighting with her boyfriend on the phone) and they drop what they’re doing to follow the mother into the kitchen.

This commercial is wrong on so many levels:

1 – What are they eating fast food? The obviously have a nice enough home that they can afford a nutritious meal. And don’t tell me it’s because the parents have been hard at work all day because Mom is all pretty and clean and Dad has enough time to water the lawn with a hose (or wash the car with the hose…I forget which he’s doing). 

2 – The father notices the mother then drops the hose, following her inside while leaving the water spraying all over the place. By the end of the commercial he’s eating in the kitchen. How long did he plan on wasting water like that?

3 – The son abandons a video game leaving the TV and game system running, wasting electricity.

4 – The drama queen daughter (in tears during her phone call) simply drops the phone and stops crying the minute that the greasy dead birds in a bucket arrive. So not only does she show a complete lack of etiquette by walking away from a live call, she leaves the phone dangling on the bed with somebody else on the other end. What if grandma had to call because grandpa just had a heart attack?

I don’t know – perhaps I’m reading too much into this commercial.


  1. Comment by David on July 7, 2005 10:51 am

    Yes Karl you are.
    Maybe we can picket KFC. Not only are they force feeding chickens, stuffed in crates ,but their commercials are causing people to waste natural resources.

  2. Comment by jeff on July 7, 2005 4:00 pm

    The better question who would actually want to eat at KFC…

  3. Comment by Brad on July 12, 2005 10:54 am

    i think if we’re talking about a family that eats KFC, it’s not just the chicken that’s fried . . . it’s their brains!

  4. Comment by Brad on July 12, 2005 10:54 am

    i think if we’re talking about a family that eats KFC, it’s not just the chicken that’s fried . . . it’s their brains!

  5. Comment by karyn on July 13, 2005 12:50 am

    Ok, for what it’s worth? This commercial bugs me too but for a totally different reason.

    To address your concerns first – a) they are eating it because it tastes good even if it is a heart-attack-in-a-bucket. further, the people at kfc paid them to pretend it’s ideal. so let’s move on because it’s pretend.
    b)the father isn’t PLANNING to waste water, he’s under extreme emotional duress brought on by the wafting, tantalizing odor of kfc. ditto the son and the daughter w/ the phone.
    Basically we are to believe that KFC is the food equivalent of crack, and nobody can help themselves abandoning their activities in favor of sucking down a bucket-of-stroke.

    The bit that bugs me? Is everyone FOLLOWS mommie dearest into the dining area – – but when SHE enters the dining area they are all already seated. What the f*ck is up with THAT?

    Ok, and what does it mean that we both picked this particular ad all to pieces? LOL.

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