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Archive for January 30th, 2006

It’s here! It’s here!

Yay!  The new desk arrived on Friday and I just love it!  We
ended up setting it up a little differently than we originally had
planned but I’m very pleased with the way it looks.  Because of
this change, there is a particular style floor lamp that I will now be
on a mission to find!  I want something that will sit in the
corner and “hang” over the desk.  I think I’ve seen these before
but you know how it goes, you always see what you want until you
actually want to buy it!  Wish me luck.

The other thing I want to look into is a printer/copier/fax
machine.  If scanner falls in their, too, that’s okay.  I
need to do my research on this one, though.  I’ve heard a lot
lately about the Epson “all-in-one” and I’m going to check these
out.  I remember hearing somewhere that you’re better off with a
machine that has a separate cartridge for each color, otherwise the
color cartridge runs out really  fast when you’re printing
photos.  Anyone have any experience with this?  If so, any
input will be greatly appreciated!

I’ll post photos, once I get the chance to take some!

Published in:CurtinCallStories |on January 30th, 2006 |1 Comment »