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Getting Ruby 1.9.1p243 to work on OS X 10.5.8 with Japanese input support on irb

Awhile back I installed Ruby 1.9.1 in such a way as to co-exist with my current Ruby installation [1], [2] (I should use rvm [3] these days…) However, one issue that cropped up during an IRB session was I could not copy and paste Japanese characters into the IRB repl. This is very very painful […]

Using hg commit –date

In Mercurial I noticed one new feature in the commit command that lets you specify a commit date. $ hg commit –help -d –date record datecode as commit date Too bad the help is too sparse to explain the commit date format. Luckily I found a good explanation at the URL below. Thanks!

Using a non-standard port for Capistrano SSH gateways

I have a love-hate affair with Capistrano. It is a great tool if you are a Ruby person and need to do something NOW on a bunch of machines. But the docs are in a constant state of suck from my point of view. The website helps for remembering the ‘simple’ details on what […]

Life not as a Game Developer / Porn Star

After reading Game Developers and Porn Stars I started recollecting an earlier time in my life. At that point in time I was considering a life as a game developer. I had heard the rumors that life as a game developer was a meat grinder and had really long hours. I spent time reflecting on […]

Glad I’m not the only one who prefers monit over god

Seems someone else ran into issues while trying to deploy god. While, I don’t think god sucks I definitely don’t endorse it. At this point I would only use it under the following conditions: Need for a process monitor tool with more dynamic configuration setups. This is where god really shines against monit’s simpler understanding […]

Forced Pair Programming considered unproductive

I just read a blog post by Blaine Buxton describing the phenomenon of Forced Pairing. In a nutshell, pair programming has to take into consideration the human factor when programming. Some people need their own space to code well. On reflection, this makes sense. When I have pair programmed, I have usually been supportive of […]

Insert the current filename into current edited file in vim

I had a need for inserting the name of the current file into a bunch of files I was editing. I was pretty sure there was a function to do this in vim and after some searching I was right. To insert the current filename. In Insert Mode, type CTRL-r % and it will insert […]

Luke describes a nice methodology for using Mercurial as a way to track patches from a subversion checkout. This type of workflow stuff is very cool imo because it has the following: Shows a concrete example of how to use a not so trivia tool Works within constraints (in this example, playing with a subversion […]

hgsubversion, finally a mercurial-subversion bridge that jfw?

iBanjo talks about hgsubversion which seems to be a good mercurial-subversion bridge at last. I’m surprised it took this long to show up but I guess the Mercurial community had not prioritized ‘Build a better git-svn’ as something someone should roll out… until now. Installation still looks a little painful (and requires lots subversion 1.5 […]

When meets Stackoverflow

Via Kvardek-du through Planet Lisp

Fixing that svn: Unrecognized format for the relative external URL

So recently I saw this when doing a svn checkout of a project and ran into the following: $ svn co svn: Unrecognized format for the relative external URL ”. Wonderful. This indicated to me there was a problem with the svn externals somewhere. After noodling a little I decided to Google around and […]

svnbackup-restore.rb, svnbackup’s handy companion tool

Doug Hellman’s svnbackup script tool is a really handy tool for setting up automated backups for a subversion repository. However, the non-fun time comes when one wants to restore a subversion repository that has way too many dumpfiles parts. The instructions for restoration are basically ‘roll your own’ if you want to try to automate […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 The Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are one of the more interesting parts of a conference in my opinion since 5 minutes really forces the speaker to get to the point and it becomes painfully obvious if the presentation has no focus or if there has been real work to get across the main message in the shortest amount […]

RubyKaigi Day 1 The Matz Keynote

Okay this is my notes from Matz’s Keynote. I was 5 minutes late since finding lunch took a really long time to find anything around the area unfortunately. Unfortunately, most of the visiting Rubyists decided to do KFC however Charles Nutter decided to stick it through and we finally found a nice Yakiniku restaurant to […]

RubyKaigi 2008 Day 1 Part 3 Notes

Evan Phoenix on Rubinius Evan started off with a quick intro on Rubinius and proceeded to talk about some of the big pieces of Rubinius from a 10,000 feet high view. The kernel of the system The C Compatibility Layer It’s a big project and Evan wants to have a conversation with anyone who wants […]