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Russian Provider Admits to Filtering: Report to Herdict!

Correction: We incorrectly remarked that ISP Yota admitted to blocking three sites (below).  In fact, users have complained that they cannot access those sites, however, Yota has only acknowledged blocking access to “sites that are classified as extremist by the Justice Ministry”  such as the Chechen “rebel” site According to a recent article in […]

Herdict Launches Discussion Board…Join Us!

This week, Herdict is proud to announce the latest addition to its bundle of fantastic tools…the Herdict Discussion Board (a.k.a.  Herdict Commons). Herdict Commons aims to serve as a haven for discussions that go beyond the comments section of the Herdict Reporter; as a place to answer the “what” and “why” of an inaccessible report. […]

Herdict Team Buys a Sheep!

As the holidays near, like many of you, we here on the Herdict Team are thinking about those less fortunate than us…so when the perfect opportunity to give came up, we couldn’t resist: The Herdict Team chose to contribute a sheep, via Heifer International, to a family in need. As the Heifer International web site […]

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