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Herdict goes to Budapest!

Jillian York gave a quick demo of Herdict, amongst other transparency tools, at Google and CEU’s Internet at Liberty conference this week. You can check out the video here: (Herdict demo starts at 16:40, but all the tools are worth a look!)

Improve Herdict (fill in the Herdict User Survey)

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, we’re interested in learning more about how our users interface with Herdict to improve our overall experience.  We’ve created a simple web survey here. It should take less than 10 minutes and will directly feed into our redesign of the site launching later this year. Thanks!

China Redirects to; Seeking Reports!

Google announced today on its official blog a decision to redirect traffic to to, following a row that had observers wondering if Google would pull out of China entirely.  From the official Google blog: So earlier today we stopped censoring our search services—Google Search, Google News, and Google Images—on Users visiting […]

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