New HIV Treatments Smart

In two studies, researchers in Kenya and Uganda enrolled thousands of uncircumcised men to determine if the procedure could reduce HIV transmission among heterosexuals, with some men having their foreskin removed and others remaining intact.

The trial in Kenya, involving nearly 2,800 participants, found that the circumcised men were 53 percent less likely to contract HIV. The Ugandan study, with nearly 5,000 men, showed a 48 percent reduction.

from the Boston Globe

Why stop with the foreskin? Research we are working on will show that castration almost completely eliminates genital transmission of HIV…..

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3 Responses to New HIV Treatments Smart

  1. Tlacatecatl Tlacaxipe says:

    Castrated men can still have an erection, and still have an orgasm. Castration is pretty much worthless as a strategy for eliminating genital transmission of HIV.

  2. Really, liked your article. Medwiser, an organization I work for does work that is relevant to what you write about. See for more information HIV AIDS Prevention Testing Donate

  3. blackberry says:

    Circumcission is the great alternative to reduce HIV AIDS.. thanks

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