Throw the Dinos on the Barbie

When we were a kid, it was common knowledge that the dinosaurs had
been wiped
in one fell swoop by
massive asteroid striking the earth. Of course, like most of the fabulous common
knowledge back in the day, it was soon proven to be folderol by a new
generation of much smarter scientists, who said the disappearance of the dinosaurs
took place over millions of years and was due to climate change.

Guess what! Turns out favorite scientific theories are just like those favorite
psychedelic ties in the back of our closet; if you survive long enough, they
come back into style.

YAXCOPOIL, Mexico (Reuters) – One minute you’re a big
T-Rex, the next you’re toast.

Challenging conventional theory, new scientific research suggests the dinosaurs
may have been scorched into extinction by an asteroid collision 65 million years
ago that unleashed 10 billion times more power than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb.

Earth’s temperatures soared, the sky turned red and trees all over the planet
burst into flames, said atmospheric physicist Brian Toon of the University of

from Reuters

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One Response to Throw the Dinos on the Barbie

  1. Hans Millard says:

    sehr gut Saite. Was machen Sie mein Freund?
    keep it up !

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