Lost and Found

Borderline bizarre how much easier it was to slip back into town than it was slipping out. On the way out, beset by blown reservations, a desperate game of kitty musical chairs, overextended professional committments and stormy social climes, it seemed that we barely escaped with our wits intact.

Coming back, it was the absolute opposite. Things fell into place like a Chinese collapsing puzzle. Our first day back we went to work and met a new group of students, a dozen lawyers from around the world, turned on both our phones, and resurrected our car from cold storage. The first apartment we looked at was perfect, and after halfheartedly looking at a couple of other lackluster candidates in our price range, took the first one.

Finally, and best of all since our new apartment won’t be available until the 1st of August, the lovely and talented (as well as kind-hearted, not to lay it on TOO thick) fellow blogger Lisa Williams has loaned us a nearby townhouse until the end of the month, completely smoothing out our reentry glide.

Plus, stay tuned for an important upcoming announcement…..

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