Fat Cats Can’t Catch Rats

(Reuters) – A Berlin animal shelter is trying to wean a 31-pound cat
off its daily diet of oily tuna fish, hoping the obese animal’s health
will improve enough to find it a new home.

Peter, the second grossly overweight cat the shelter has received in recent months,
has trouble moving and cleaning himself because of his swollen body, spokeswoman
Claudia Pfister said.

"Peter doesn’t like the taste of the diet food and will only eat tuna fish," she
said, adding the cat was at least 20 pounds overweight.

She said his elderly owner, who died recently, spoiled him with large daily helpings
of tuna.

"We’re giving him his tuna fish now, but only diet-sized portions
and without the oil."

Cutting down on the ber and TV wouldn’t hurt, either…

from Reuters

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