French Fries

big news from Cannes is
that Michael Moore’s new anti-Bush flick received the longest standing
ovation in the history of the festival.
It is increasingly obvious that if voters around the world could take
part in American elections (considering the extent to which their lives
and destinies are dependent on what the US President decides to do, maybe
that isn’t such a ridiculous argument) it would be a walk-over, and Dubya
and his posse would be back on the ranch faster than Cheney could get
himself to an undisclosed location.

However, knowing American’s xenophobia and ornery contrariness, it is
a safe bet that if they know the rest of the world wants them to act in
a certain way, they will promptly do the exact opposite.

Meanwhile, we are sure the White House is celebrating a banner day today.
Not only is a picture of a half-naked Kerry daughter, also at Cannes, circulating
on the Internet, but his home state went and stepped on a nest of wasps
the form
of legalized gay marriages. What a twisted system we have when the Presidential
candidates count their victories by how many interest groups the other candidate
pisses off….

links to both stories on Drudge

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