Viewer Discression Advised

No, not another gross photo of the Dowbrigade caught in the maw of
a major metropolitan hospital. This is
much more serious and significant.  Now, it is hard to shock the
Dowbrigade, and after the previous material previously divulged about
the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison it is difficult to shock the news-aware
American public.

But a new two minute video released today frankly made us sick to our recently
relocated stomach. It graphically drives home the point that what we
are doing in Iraq is against all of the honorable principals on which
this country was founded, and does a grave disservice to all of the true
American heroes who gave their lives defending this country and those
principles. It leaves no question as to who the bad guys are in Iraq
on the ground today, whatever the motives and methods by which it was

In our opinion these images are a thousand times more damning and capable of causing violent
than the Danish
cartoons of the Prophet
If it were OUR people on the floor, under cowls, connected to electrical
leads, etc., we just might feel like joining a demonstration leading
to a riot and burning a few embassies. But maybe it’s just us, and this
isn’t another example of the conflicts in culture and values that is emerging
as the defining struggle of our times.

video from Reuters (extremely graphic)

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