Searching Outside the Box

Google, like most major search engines, provides
a filtering mechanism to remove results from their searches that may
offend uptight or insecure people. Strong language, porn and such. What
they don’t do, however, is provide a way to view only that content which
is deemed unfit for family audiences. Enter UnSafeSearch, this page will
do a search on google both with and without SafeSearch(tm), and return
only those results SafeSearch removes.

It’s a shame when someone searching for pornographic material related to, say, llamas, is forced to slog though many pages of perfectly innocuous llama sites before finally hitting upon the llama porn he was looking for.

This is one Google trick we don’t
anticipate sharing with our students…

Unsafe Search

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2 Responses to Searching Outside the Box

  1. anne G says:

    There does seem to be a trend of pictures of naked women on this blog whether they are relevant or not. Not so much naked men. I don’t know if it is a commercial stunt to attract a male readership, but it is annoying.

  2. Tupac Amaru says:

    Not to mention now descending to a new low and insulting the llama as well.

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