Schwarzenegger Supports Supplements

supplements can help you build muscle and lose weight. But don’t
get carried away…"

LOS ANGELES — When Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
announced last year that
he had signed a deal to serve as executive editor
for two fitness magazines, he described the salary as ”petty compared
to the movies."

In fact, he was in line to receive at least $5 million over five years,
according to records filed this week with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Although the amount may pale next to the reported $30 million he earned
for his last film role, it prompted California legislators and government
watchdogs to raise concerns yesterday about conflict of interest and distractions
from the governor’s day job.

Much of the advertising revenue for the magazines, Muscle & Fitness
and Flex, comes from makers of dietary supplements, a controversial industry.
Last year, Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that would have discouraged high
school athletes from taking performance-enhancing supplements, saying that
most such products are safe.

Boston Globe

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