Blood and Gore Missing From Campaign

to the Boston
, last season’s loser to the George Bush juggernaut,
Al Gore,
is enjoying a bit of a renaissance. In fact, they describe him as a
"fire-breathing Bush basher," and go on to say:

"Speaking with a freedom and passion less frequently seen in his own
political campaigns, Gore is happily making speeches, raking in money,
and generally
raising hell these days for John F. Kerry and the Democratic Party.
In his spare time, he is also teaching at three universities and raising
money for himself through various business ventures."

We’re not sure what campaign they have been watching, but we were
unaware that Gore was playing such an active and central role. In
fact, the only time we have read anything about him since his obligatory
at the convention was when he got hit with a $141
ticket for speeding
in Oregon. Kerry is avoiding Gore like
Marion Barry avoids crack ‘hoes these days. and the reason is clear.  While
America will always root for the underdog, they hate to look at a loser. Reminds
them of their own pathetic failings and the hopelessness of life in general.

The Globe article goes on with some insightful commentary, delivered
by none other than another of the Dowbrigade’s many alter egos:

"There’s a lot of emotion that’s wrapped up in the outcome of 2000,
which I think he can use constructively in 2004," said Michael
Feldman, a Democratic consultant and former Gore adviser.

Actually, we can’t agree with ourself on this one. Al Gore, in our opinion,
is a pathetic excuse for a presidential candidate, an uninspiring milksop
who couldn’t hang with the laughingstock of the Yale class of ’68 when
the game got rough and the fur started to fly.

Think back.  The world was a different place in 2000. There
was no War on Terror, there was no Department of Homeland Security, we
were at peace, George didn’t have any of the "leadership" and "War-time
President" issues to play on the fear and patriotism of unsuspecting
voters. Gore had a ten point lead at Labor Day, and he still let the
election get yanked out from under him. He deserves his place on the
dustbin of history, and with that he’s getting off lightly.

We were hoping that John Kerry was no Al Gore, but the similarities
are starting to get spooky. Stiff and aloof compares badly with Bush’s
goofy populism. When are the Democrats going to wise up to the reality
that their only chance to win is to nominate slick showmen with surgically
excised scruples, great politicians like Kennedy and Clinton, neither
of whom was afraid to steal an election here or there? Until they do,
the Bush brand of Compassionate Fascism seems fated to seep into every
corner of the American experience.

article from the Boston Globe

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