No Bull on Genetic Modification

eventually eclipses fiction, even legendary folk tales like the stories
of Babe, Paul Bunyons giant blue ox……

For a glimpse of what post-human athletes may look like
beginning in the 2012 or 2016 Olympics, take a look at an obscure breed
of cattle called the Belgian Blue.

Belgian Blues are unlike any cows you’ve ever seen. They have a genetic
mutation that means they do not have effective myostatin, a substance
that curbs muscle growth. A result is that Belgian Blues are all bulging
muscles without a spot of fat, like bovine caricatures of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

from Nickolas Kristof in the New York Times


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2 Responses to No Bull on Genetic Modification

  1. Hans Millard says:

    sehr gut Saite. Was machen Sie mein Freund?
    keep it up !

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