Its Hard to Find Good Help These Days

Let us get this straight. Sometimes in our encroaching senility we
mix up the ‘real’ news with our dreams and the Dowbrigade’s delirium.
Can it be true that our new friends in Iraq are trying to arrest our
Main Man during the Hussein years, as well as the Chief Prose cuter of
the Big Bad Guy Hussein himself? And that these two desperados are father
and son? And that the father is accused of counterfeiting Iraqi money,
and the son of murder? And that they are both refusing to return to Iraq
to face the charges?  Weren’t these the people we were counting
on to "clean up the mess" and
Iraq? What
hope do we have that the new crew is any better?

This all sounds like a Graham Greene novel where the
only lesson is the pervasive corruption on all levels and on all sides.
It would be amusing and entertaining if not for the fact that American
Boys and Girls are dying to protect these clowns while they sack their
own country….

As many remember, Mr. Chalabi sat behind Laura Bush this
year during the president’s State of the Union speech.

The Iraqi judge who issued the warrants has accused Ahmed
Chalabi of counterfeiting and Salem Chalabi of murder, but no further
details have emerged. Both Chalabis have responded, in turn, by accusing
the judge of playing politics. The senior Chalabi, a former member of
the Iraqi Governing Council, says that the new government, with the blessing
of the CIA, wants to eliminate him from the political process. The younger
Chalabi suspects that members of the previous regime want to prevent
him from bringing not only Saddam Hussein but a host of former senior
Baathist officials to trial.

from the
Washington Post

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  1. trimspa says:


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