Moose Does RSS

Jessica’s long-awaited, definitive article on RSS is finally
out.  Trite but true: If you want the real dope, ask a librarian…

The Winter 2004 issue of News Library News with the feature article
I wrote about RSS is now online. Not only does it include comments from
two well-known bloggers, but it also has sidebars about aggregators (including
what to consider when choosing an aggregator), how to find RSS feeds,
third-party services that make feeds for sites lacking them, and selected
resources for more information.

The Dowbrigade is working on an expansion of the aggregator sidebar.  The
problem is that the playing field AND the players are changing so fast
one needs a dedicated aggregator just to keep up with the advances in

Nevertheless, we feel a "State of the Field" review would be tremendously
useful, as everyone wants to know the strengths and weaknesses of the
various alternatives.  Any input from you guys, ie aggregators you
love and hate and why, will be appreciated and included.

download the
of Jessica’s article

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