16 Teaching Days to Great Experiment

There are only 16 more teaching days until the Great Experiment.
Those of you checking our math may have noted that two days ago there were 19
teaching days left. Seems we had somehow forgotten President’s Day. Each day
now with my students is increasingly precious.  It’s the end of
an era.

Some have asked "What is the Great Experiment?" (Thanks for the inquiry,
Al, we thought no one would
ever ask). At this stage just let us say that the Dowbrigade’s life story
up to now has been marked by
longish stretches of more-or-less steady-state personal stability
and conventional intellectual achievement, punctuated with wild forays
into implausible schemes, peripatetic wanderings in exotic and untamed
territory, and wacky adventures which strain the limits of credulity
and turn gray a mother’s hair.

We feel such a period coming on. A complex and compelling three stage
plan is forming like a djinni from swirling desert dust, with machinations
within variations within contingencies. The die is cast, the dice are
thrown. Tickets have been bought. The planets have started to realign.  Stay

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One Response to 16 Teaching Days to Great Experiment

  1. Al Wayztravelin says:

    It’s uncanny, but I sensed that…
    Just please don’t stop blogging. Since I’ve given up on the mass media I rely on Dow Brigade for my daily source of World News and insights.

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