The Human Mind is the Ultimate Aggregator

The Dowbrigade
his aggregator
. It is his constant companion, his window on not
only the Blogosphere, but on much of what goes on in the world outside
of his immediate presence.

But we lust for more. Separate bins for our varied moods and tastes
in news, adjustable content filters to control how much of each post
comes through, flagged imperishability, one-click subscription to feeds
linked through the feeds you are already subscribed to, elegant implementation
of  enclosures, etc.

So we asked a list we are on for advice, and were immediately trumped
by Jessica B., who is writing the definitive article on RSS and as a
sidebar is compling a list of aggregators with user blurbs. We should
have thought of  her first – when in need of information, ask a

If you use a stand-alone or web-based aggregator and have a minute,
please hop over to j’s
and post a recommendation.  No
commercial shills, please.

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One Response to The Human Mind is the Ultimate Aggregator

  1. Lisa Chau says:

    “The Dowbrigade loves his aggregator.”

    Do you know of a good one that will send plain text to my inbox?

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