What Kind of Postmodernist Are You, Anyway?

Cool little quiz over at quizilla.com, called "What kind of post-modernist
are you?" I’m not really sure what a post-modernist is, except that I
think it has something to do with deconstructionism.

Thanks to Ryan
for the tip. Here are our results….

cyberculture floozie
You are a Cyberculture Floozie. The theoretical aspects of postmodernism
interest you only insofar as they can be used to make cool blinky things.
You probably take psychedelics and know at least one programming language
(HTML counts!). Other postmodernists call you a corporate whore. They’re
probably just jealous because you make more money than them.

They were doing pretty good until the money part….

from Quizilla

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13 Responses to What Kind of Postmodernist Are You, Anyway?

  1. Michael Feldman says:

    “earning more money than THEM?’ I hope this is not Dowbrigade’s idea of a gramatically correct sentence.

    name of critic witheld. Dowbrigade’s mother does not wish to embarrass him.

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