The Most Stimulating 90 Minutes of My Week

Doc Searles caught
me on the Webcast of the Thursday Night Berkman Group
audioblabbing I needed a beer. I never got one.  We ended up
at Boca Grande, which has great Tacos and Enchiladas but no liquor licence. 

Teleparticipants were able to comment and ask questions via an IRC channel.
It would be much better if we could broadcast as a live virtual classroom
where all
the tele-atendees
could talk,
and show
URLs.  The
technology exists, the numbers are still small enough for it not to degenerate
into a cacophony of voices.  We should give it a try.

Dave has already posted a RealAudio
recording of the session
, and Jay should
have the meeting notes up soon.

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2 Responses to The Most Stimulating 90 Minutes of My Week

  1. Greg says:

    Were you the one whose wife was out of town?

    If so, that made me laugh.

  2. Michael Feldman says:

    Yes, the Senora Dowbrigade is with her family in Ecuador for the holidays….

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