Insta-Party “Can You Hear It Now”

Geez, high school kids nowadays have all the fun.  When the Dowbrigade
was in high school we needed to use smoke signals or carrier pidgeons to spread
the word about a hot party. Then they invented the telegraph, and
the whole world changed…

Andover, MA – First there were four: one high school senior, home alone
for the weekend, and three friends she invited over to hang out.

Then there were eight: four more friends, invited to cheer
on the Red Sox during a playoff game. But it didn’t stop there. As cellphones
chirped and instant messages flashed, kids looking for something, anything,
to do had found their Saturday night party.

By the time police arrived, they found an estimated 100 teenage revelers,
who quickly ditched the beer and marijuana pipes. The party ended when
police arrested and handcuffed the cheerleader and honors student who
had invited a few friends over.

Sometimes, parents return home to find their home ransacked. Last spring
at an Andover party, shut down by police after it ballooned to 300
kids, there was $23,000 in damage and theft. Eight months later, there
are still lingering reminders: she recently discovered empty beer cans
in a box of winter hats and gloves.

from the Boston Globe

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