Don’t Try This at Home

Illusionist David Blaine is assisted as he leaves his perspex box after
44 days.


As any serious student of the Mystic Arts knows,
fasting for 44 days is no big deal, given the right physical and mental
preparation. But there is a cost to reaching that far into bio-psychic
reserves of a human being, and if his motives are no more transcendant
than getting attention and making money, then he is headed for a day
of terrible reckoning. On the other hand, he IS a professional illusionist….

US magician David Blaine was whisked to hospital late yesterday after
ending a 44-day fast during which he was suspended above London’s River
Thames in a glass box.

During his fast he was subjected to intense
public scrutiny, intermittent ridicule and – experts warn – possibly
permanent damage to his health.

The small transparent container next to Tower Bridge was lowered to the
ground shortly before 10pm local time (0700 Am EST) and a thin, weak and
bearded Blaine – who had access to water but no food during his high-profile
ordeal – walked out with tears in his eyes to thunderous applause from
a crowd of several thousand.

"I learnt how strong we all are as human beings," Blaine said
after leaving the box which had been his home since September 5.

"Most importantly I learnt to appreciate all the simple things in
life such as the smile from a stranger, and the sunshine and the sunset."

from Australia

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