Kangaroo Named Lulu Acts Like Lassie

Even a Blind
Kangaroo Finds an Unconscious Farmer Once in a While

A partially blind kangaroo has been hailed a hero after helping
to rescue a farmer
who suffered serious head injuries when he was hit by a falling branch.

The pet kangaroo discovered the farmer lying unconscious in a field
and alerted relatives at their home in Morwell in Gippsland, south
east Australia.
The man was checking his property for damage following a severe storm
when he was struck by
a falling branch and knocked unconscious.

The farmer was later named as 52-year-old Len Richards. His 17-year-old
daughter, Celeste, said the eastern grey kangaroo, Lulu, stood guard
over her father and "barked like a dog" to get help.

from Ananova

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