George Bush Action Figure

objectification, commercialization and mythification of the presidency
took another giant leap forward today with the announcement that a Chinese
company will soon begin selling George Bush Action Figures in the US.

When President Bush landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln, many commentators believed it would figure prominently
in his reelection campaign. What the commentators did not predict is
that Bush would become his own G.I. Joe doll.

For just $39.99, you get a plastic model of Bush wearing flight suit,
survival vest and parachute harness, jauntily carrying helmet and oxygen
mask — just as Bush did on May 1 after climbing out of his S-3B Viking

And of course, the doll is made in China! Blue Box Toys, a Hong Kong-based
company, will be distributing the Bush dolls here through KB Toys
starting Sept.

from the Atlanta Journal Constitution

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