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The Longest Now

More ways to tune in to WebCred
Thursday January 20th 2005, 8:01 pm
Filed under: %a la mod

If you don’t have access to an IRC client or a good video player, and
are dying to see what’s going on at the conference, you can use my
web-based IRC client to see the IRC discussion and transcript. 

More ways to tune in to WebCred …

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New Berkman conference on credibility
Thursday January 20th 2005, 4:40 pm
Filed under: %a la mod

The Berkman Center is having a “Blogging, Journalism & Credibility
conference tomorrow and Saturday.  It will be closed to the public until the Sat afternoon session, but I
will be transcribing the entire conference live into IRC.  There
will be an IRC channel where you can comment on the conference as it
progresses, and we will make every effort to ask any questions you want posed to the gathered luminaries.

I hope to see you all downloading IRC clients (Trillian, mIRC, etc.) and logging onto #webcredtrans on freenode,
since it will make my 15-hour transcription stint all the more
rewarding.  If you can’t get one of those to work, you can log
onto my web-IRC client, above.

Sammy Jay already owns a Rolex, Thornton
Tuesday January 18th 2005, 2:52 am
Filed under: indescribable

I’ve found over the years that many otherwise well-bred people were
never introduced to Thornton Burgess as children, and haven’t yet
rectified that oversight.  So I would like to take a quiet moment,
in the middle of the night, to direct you all to the works of that
master.  If you know anyone between the ages of 2 and 12,
recommend said works to them post-haste! 

I am regularly reminded of Burgess these days, and my favorite
characters like the Little West Winds and Sammy Jay, because having
once used
“Thornton Burgess” as my name in a throwaway registration (that later
got linked, through a quirk of evil information-selling, with one of my
current active accounts),
I now regularly get spam with one or both of those incomparable names
in the title.  How sweet it is to be loved by spam

Shards full of youth, Shards full of truth
Monday January 17th 2005, 11:40 pm
Filed under: %a la mod

…six PINK TIGHTS and one part vermouth!

Two score of us from HBOMB and YALE did our part to help the
Normalville Supers restore normality to their little
Bender‘sHead-shaped VNECK of the woods, IMMOBILIZING the incoming
meteors, DIMINISHING their effect, and generally struggling on IN THE
THE NIGHT.  We stressed our collections of SILICON, KEYBOARD KEYs,
and other
SMALL PLASTIC WIDGETs.  We turned to strange sources for
help; our team of MONKEYS, support crew of DALMATIANS, and HIPPOGRIFF
mascot did their part; even indulging in SPIRIT WRITING and running
scripts on MICROSOFT WINDOWS when necessary. 

The visiting
luminaries gladly provided their OCTROI of victuals — PASTRIES, dijon
SOUP, MAGNUMs of coke, and other EDIBLEs provided much-needed mental
AUGMENTATION over the long weekend.  We fell in love, variously,
with AGNETHA FAALUSKOG and Miss December… and all agreed, with
DIPLOMACY, that had we truly mastered the power of TIME TRAVEL, we
would go back in time and do it again.

Finals Period approacheth
Thursday January 13th 2005, 12:52 am
Filed under: indescribable

And the world’s best procrastination tool
is in lockstep with it, interleaving ever so subtly with the end of
reading period.  Evil and wonderful all at once.  We’ll be in
Building 26 this year; give me a holler if you’re passing by.

Finals Period approacheth …

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Mirror, mirror, on the wall…
Monday January 10th 2005, 9:50 am
Filed under: %a la mod

A new year, time for a new layout, posting policy, linking
format.  The nice thing about this reflective web is it’s so easy
to see (technorati, google, frassle) what others are saying.

Speaking of which… I’m finally surpassing all of the Swedish pretenders to my name; sj now shows up in the top 30 Google hits. 

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Postage Backlog
Monday January 10th 2005, 8:32 am
Filed under: %a la mod

As they say in my barrio, Post
up, fool!  There are a few weeks of postage waiting to be made
live; about travel, isolation and urban melting pots, language
migration,  directed social gatherings, mystery hunts, and
more.  You should see most of it emerge over the next few days.

For now, just a reminder: there’s a meetup tonight at
7:00pm EST at ABP in Harvard Square.  Hope to see you
there!   There will be news about WIRED and other weekly and
quarterly publications, portals and wormholes, and *ahem* great soup.

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