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The Longest Now

Sammy Jay already owns a Rolex, Thornton
Tuesday January 18th 2005, 2:52 am
Filed under: indescribable

I’ve found over the years that many otherwise well-bred people were
never introduced to Thornton Burgess as children, and haven’t yet
rectified that oversight.  So I would like to take a quiet moment,
in the middle of the night, to direct you all to the works of that
master.  If you know anyone between the ages of 2 and 12,
recommend said works to them post-haste! 

I am regularly reminded of Burgess these days, and my favorite
characters like the Little West Winds and Sammy Jay, because having
once used
“Thornton Burgess” as my name in a throwaway registration (that later
got linked, through a quirk of evil information-selling, with one of my
current active accounts),
I now regularly get spam with one or both of those incomparable names
in the title.  How sweet it is to be loved by spam

How sweet it is to be loved by spam…

Comment by Pandora Battery 03.27.09 @ 3:39 am

For this post only, it seems right to leave in spam comments as well…

Comment by metasj 05.07.09 @ 4:36 pm

Where is the Rolex Watch reference? I can’t see it, but I can say without doubt that you have exceptional taste in fashion accessories Sammy Jay! Long live that Rolex on your wrist.

Comment by Deekstar Rolex 05.30.11 @ 9:18 pm

Dear Deekstar Rolex, spam really is the gift that keeps on giving, is it not? Burgess would no doubt find a pithy story in it.

Comment by metasj 06.02.11 @ 4:11 am

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