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The Longest Now

SOPA – PIPA math: 61% >> 28%
Thursday January 19th 2012, 10:41 pm
Filed under: chain-gang,metrics,wikipedia

Three cheers for participatory democracy! The percentage of stated opposition to SOPA and PIPA in Congress changed dramatically over the past two days, from 28% to 61%. [If you count people who are “leaning No”, by ProPublica’s estimate, this goes up to 69%.]

How many politicians announced they would be co-sponsoring or otherwise outright supporting SOPA/PIPA on Wednesday? By our count: Zero.

Update: Harry Reid releases Dems in the Senate to vote against PIPA if their conscience demands. And Chris Dodd, former Senator and current MPAA Chairman, just called for a summit between Internet and traditional ‘content’ companies, convened by the White House, to reach a compromise. (He hasn’t yet realized that major content companies today are Internet companies.)

We are experiencing the growth of social unity and a certain moral sense across the Web, among people who have found something wonderful, worth defending with all their heart. This is a small piece; it is thrilling to be part of it. I hope you feel it too.

Nice E. Morgan Forster reference. 🙂

Comment by Nemo 01.20.12 @ 4:16 am

The web is definitely creating a growth of social unity. Social democracy is important for all politicians to pay attention to. I am proud of how well social networks were used to spread the word on the SOPA – PIPA issues and how powerful the message was.

Comment by Mike Yasieniuk 01.20.12 @ 10:07 am

You write so interestingly and well. –your old Ma

Comment by nora 01.20.12 @ 11:28 am

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