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The Longest Now

The XO tops Amazon’s best-sellers list
Thursday November 20th 2008, 12:53 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

It is nice to see the G1G1 XO, doubled price and all, topping the best-sellers list for laptops and computers on Amazon.  That’s before our national television spots started airing, and after the first day of our national website banners.  I can’t quite believe the banner metrics about the number of impressions we’ve gotten, but it seems to be in the millions.

Updates on the media campaign as it rolls out; you can already see our billboards up on a few thousand boards across the country.

¡Felicidades por el logro! Seguro que muchos niños se beneficiarán con el esfuerzo OLPC y los donadores.

Comment by Janet 11.20.08 @ 8:03 pm

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