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The Longest Now

human static
Tuesday January 22nd 2008, 3:44 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

UPDATE: Arjs has this problem as well, and discovered that a 2-MegaOhm ankle strap for both feet is available and reasonably fashionable.

We know shockingly little about the human electrical system. Sensible people can disagree violently about how the body and mind interact with and generate energy at various wavelengths, and how or why we build up charge.

An interesting and visible subset of problems are those faced by people who are constantly shocking themselves when they touch other objects.

A less visible subset is that of people or human events that have unusual interactions with electronic devices around them. I remember vividly a heated late-night discussion with Tony P. next to a 21″ CRT, which started oscillating loudly, ending the debate… and a printer that printed out a garbled midnight sheet related to some recent work on one of several connected computers, while I was asleep a few chairs away.

But the static problem is specially fascinating; and since it has such broad applications to work with everyday electronics, something that has been studied carefully, I would expect better coverage of associated causes and effects. Perhaps I just don’t know where to look…

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