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The Longest Now

Welcome to the non-profit web
Wednesday October 03rd 2007, 12:19 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

the term ‘non-profit’ is somewhat misleading… but here are some interesting lists and stats about popoularity of nonprofit’s websites, including Wikipedia, PBS, and Kiva:

take 1 | take 2

those are nice stats; they should be clearer about where the traffic comes from though and what it counts. for instance, hits per image go to wikimedia commons, on commons.wikimedia, which makes wp look smaller and wm look bigger.

Comment by mark 10.10.07 @ 6:22 pm

I’m the blogger that created that list. I don’t understand how “non-profit” is misleading when describing those 25 organizations.

Also, it’s not a hits per image metric, it’s unique visitors per month. There are, in fact, significant differences in visitor count between and for the nonprofits that occupy spaces 20-25 on the list. However, 1 – 20 are pretty solid in that quantcast and compete don’t differ by significant amounts.

Comment by abenamer 10.11.07 @ 9:08 am

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