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The Longest Now

Sharing stories
Thursday May 05th 2005, 12:51 am
Filed under: indescribable

There is nothing like listening to chamber music in a resonant stone chamber. Busch Hall just northeast of Harvard Yard is a fantastic example; you should jump at any chance to hear music there. For instance, I will be singing there this Saturday at 2pm, one of countless groups to use the space this week. If you have any time out of your schedule this week, head over there to visit; there will almost surely be some group or other performing or rehearsing in the main atrium.

I saw something funny on the way home after practicing there yesterday night, and immediately thought “Oh, I just have to [share] this [with my friends],” faster than my mind could fill in the two gaps in that thought.

  • post… to the Nose
  • send… to [some suitable mailing list (cm,eis,jod,dh,bs,brk,bwp)]
  • write a story about… on my blog
  • mention… to my housemates
  • mention… on [some suitable IRC chan (wp/m/n,ji,&c)
  • IM… to [some suitable chatroom or buddy (nsx,&c.)]

Of course, none of these really cuts to the heart of the matter. For a long minute, I thought fondly of places where walking home meant stopping at a canonical park or bar or cafe, where a dozen people would be hanging around, chatting… where a good story could be counted on to spread through town, at least to anyone who knew the teller.

Postscript: I didn’t write about it anywhere; instead I drafted this post, got distracted by Real Work, and went to sleep. Now I can’t for the life of me remember what was so interesting.

Thank you for driving us all insane.

Comment by Shimon Rura 05.05.05 @ 10:16 am

Well, there was that guy …

Comment by j 05.06.05 @ 1:19 pm

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