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The Longest Now

Bits, Bytes, and Politibots
Friday December 10th 2004, 10:43 am
Filed under: popular demand

I’m at the Berkman conf for Internet and Society today, and mmm, is it
a mixed crowd.  Geeks, politicians, students and faculty of all
stripes.  I have to run out again, so can’t stay for much of the
Biz lecture, but I’m sure a lot of people will be blogging it today.

There was, however, a distinct shortage of people live-transcribing
what was going on, either on irc or elsewhere.  I have yet to see
a blog with more than just a passing quote… which is a real
shame.  We should not let the luxury of having the bandwidth for audio and video feeds (note that they still fuzz out, break, drag on and on) preclude traditional, highly transferable and searchable, methods of archiving.  It’s like the pending archival doom of the digital age, redoubled upon itself.

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