On the Eve of Massive Media Age

Donna Wentworth nicely sums up the urgent issue at the FCC concerning media conglomeration in her Copyfight weblog entry titled Media Concentration: Out from Under the Wire.

In addition to the resources she offers, add the News Hour with Jim Lehr web site to bring yourself up to speed on the impact that loosening regulations that limit media ownership will have.

I ranted on this a while back in another blog recognizing that the democratizing technology of blogs provides some hope that the truth and free speech can live in a massive media age (see Rant #3:
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
)… (DW touches on the twisted logic that some are even using the democratic nature of internet communications as an argument to justify conglomeration)… but I do wonder and worry what happens when they become the only channel of free speech and what would keep the feds from shutting down blogs or websites under anti-terrorist Patriot-Act style powers.

Don’t hear much about this issue on the evening news or in FCC-hosted public hearings, do we Lawrence Lessig?

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