“AI and Gender “ workshop organized by CFI at the University of Cambridge

February 19th and 20th, 2019, I enjoyed attending the interesting event, “AI and Gender “ workshop organized by CFI at the University of Cambridge.

Stanford has launched the Human Centered AI Initiative (HAI). HAI encourages faculty members to create interdisciplinary projects by offering $75,000 for each research project. It also promotes and offers education in areas such as politics, ethics and the philosophy of AI.

For example, Professor Londa Schiebinger of History of Science recommends the formation of interdisciplinary teams for Human-Centered AI Reviews in order to solve current problems with gender-biased data sets.  She claimed that current notions of diversity in companies such as Apple are not sufficient.  We need to teach engineers AI research with regard to social sciences.

Mateja Jamnik, a Reader in Artificial Intelligence at the department of computer science and technology at the University of Cambridge notes that algorithmic bias doesn’t come from machines but from people. Therefore Cambridge computer science undergrads are now required to take ethics class in their 1st year.

Thus I believe we must fill the gap between natural and social sciences in AI research and create AI and robots for social good using a cross-disciplinary approach.

About Toshie Takahashi

Toshie Takahashi is Professor in the School of Culture, Media and Society, as well as the Institute for Al and Robotics,Waseda University, Tokyo. She was the former faculty Associate at the Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. She has held visiting appointments at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge as well as Columbia University. She conducts cross-cultural and trans-disciplinary research on the social impact of robots as well as the potential of AI for Social Good. 【早稲田大学文学学術院教授。元ハーバード大学バークマンクライン研究所ファカルティ・アソシエイト。現在、人工知能の社会的インパクトやロボットの利活用などについて、ハーバード大学やケンブリッジ大学と国際共同研究を行っている。東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会組織委員会テクノロジー諮問委員会委員。】
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