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What you see is what you wiki

Jim’s Wikiwyg implementation, at one point apparently linked from,
is a brilliant experiment with client-side, Javascript-based wiki
rendering.  There’s a bit of a naming conflict at the moment in
the blogosphere, but he’s getting back into coding and writing, so
hopefully he can work it out.  I would love to see a new revision
out soon, and collaboration with the developers who were discussing new
user-friendly editing ideas at Wikimania earlier this month.

For a fine example of the tool at work, here’s an examlpe of  Wikiwyg on nested tables,
using an article comparing web browsers.  Note how the page starts
loading almost immediately (slowed down by his single server), and
continues smoothly to render down the page.

Update from Jim (Aug 31):

By the way, I’ve had a bit of correspondence about naming. We agreed to call
our projects by the full names and, and to post a
disambiguation note at the top of both our home pages as soon as my site is
properly up.

I’m quite happy with this. The guys seem to have acted in good
faith and weren’t aware of my project’s name when they started theirs.

Cheers to all involved for being good-natured about this.

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