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Sammy Jay already owns a Rolex, Thornton

I’ve found over the years that many otherwise well-bred people were
never introduced to Thornton Burgess as children, and haven’t yet
rectified that oversight.  So I would like to take a quiet moment,
in the middle of the night, to direct you all to the works of that
master.  If you know anyone between the ages of 2 and 12,
recommend said works to them post-haste! 

I am regularly reminded of Burgess these days, and my favorite
characters like the Little West Winds and Sammy Jay, because having
once used
“Thornton Burgess” as my name in a throwaway registration (that later
got linked, through a quirk of evil information-selling, with one of my
current active accounts),
I now regularly get spam with one or both of those incomparable names
in the title.  How sweet it is to be loved by spam

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