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accelerating change

Here I am in Palo Alto, sitting nezt to Shimon and Bruce at the
Accelerating change conference. There are about 300 people at the
conference, and we just enjoyed a rare presentation by will wright
(talking about second life, among other things)

waiting to hear
his debate with jaron lanier later today. and, of course, posting from
the ipaq… still about 40wpm, but havent migrated to touchtyping yet.

1 Comment

  1. sj

    November 7, 2004 @ 1:04 pm


    btw, it is really funny to watch older developers and businessmen, in
    their 30s, talking about the antisocial behaviors of kids and
    swordbearing trolls in an online game. I wish they would talk about the
    reason for certain exchange rates b/t real and virtual currencies.

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