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Vermont environmentalists for Dean

A good Dean quote from a Vermont environmentalist:

I actually have worked with and against Howard Dean as an environmental advocate and lobbyist when he was governor of Vermont, and I have to say that he is both likeable and very ‘tightly wound’. But he is able to make both work to his advantage, because what he really is is a very skillful, extremely bright retail politician who can anticipate how the chips will fall amongst different political interests and weave his way to victory by managing to hew to the middle between the warring factions. And that’s how he gets things done, without sucking up to one side or another – a remarkable ability.

And after a while (perhaps we Vermonters are just as strange as the media/political establishment likes to paint us) his combative style is, well, likeable. He’s not going to bullshit you [and] you come to enjoy that.                                     Sarah, from

A bright retail politician, eh?

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