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My Life, As Told Between (Baby Cakes') Naps

I Want a Dog! And a Baby Kangaroo!

2nd April 2008

I Want a Dog! And a Baby Kangaroo!

posted in The Kitchen Sink |


(I came across the article on this site.)

There are currently 2 responses to “I Want a Dog! And a Baby Kangaroo!”

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  1. 1 On April 3rd, 2008, smm said:

    Ah but then you would have to take care of a dog and a baby kangaroo -and taking them to the bathroom would be a chore given to T and T won’t like that.

  2. 2 On April 4th, 2008, Y. said:

    LOL. So true. This is actually a big reason why we don’t already have a dog. =)